The Hoopsfix Foundation is seeking a new board member with a focus on academic research as we continue to look to positively impact communities through basketball.
The aims and objectives of the Hoopsfix Foundation are to:
- Grow & raise the profile of basketball in the United Kingdom
- Increase & improve opportunities to play basketball
- Focus on projects that have long term and scalable impact
- Perform research & develop insights to push the game forward
- Take a technology-first approach to solving challenges in British basketball
- Disseminate resources to help clubs & basketball organisations grow and become self-sustainable
- Help document the history of the game to strengthen British basketball culture
- Provide duty of care and protection to all participants, making sure all are treated equitably
- Operate as a not-for-profit organisation
We are committed to building a diverse board that represents the communities we serve. Women are currently underrepresented on our board, so we particularly welcome applications from female candidates to help address this imbalance.
However, we welcome applications from all individuals who are passionate about growing basketball in the UK and meet the criteria outlined.
We are seeking knowledgeable individuals for a four year term around one specific area to help the Foundation reach its stated aims and objectives:
Academic Research
Part of the Hoopsfix Foundation’s goals are to build a body of published, peer-reviewed research to add to the evidence of the positive impact of basketball across the UK and also the needs of the basketball community.
Our first paper, ‘Developing the Basketball Community: Supporting Outdoor Basketball Courts Social and Community Interactions (UK)’, a qualitative piece, was published in the International Journal of Basketball Studies in 2023, while we have another quantitative piece around outdoor court usage awaiting publication.
We’re looking for someone with a track record of published journal articles, knowledge of research methods, scientific writing and the academic space that is based at an institution to help support us in continuing to research and publish papers.
Successful candidates will be required to attend at least two board meetings per year, the AGM, board planning days and will represent the board at events. The role is voluntary.
If you are interested in a board position and do not meet the area of expertise we are seeking, but do believe you can provide value in another domain, please do not hesitate to reach out explaining a bit about yourself, your background and how you think you can help.
To apply or if you have any other questions or feedback, please email [email protected] – the deadline for applications is Friday 7th February 2025.